Search Matters Weekly Search Hotness

Normally I just post search links here with the exaggeratedly plain title “Search Matters Weekly Search links”. Well, you know what? We need to add a pinch of SEO spice to this weekly mélange of tasty Search goodness, so I’m going to try out some cinnamony sweet new titles and, in the spirit of freedom and randomness, split test them for click through rate, analyze the search traffic and normalize a curve to display the overall success of each AMAZING!, INFORMATIVE!, COMPELLING! title. Then I’ll Digg/Netscape/Stumble upon it for days.

Of course there have to be limits; being an SEO I wanted to lead with “Weekly Britney Spears Nude with Free Viagra wearing Cheap Rolex’s LINKS!”, but that one didn’t make it past the whiteboard (even though I used 3 different colors. Some people just have no vision). So, here’s the weekly search marketing hotness:

  • Nothing like a little conspiracy theory to get my blood pumping. I’ve seen the grassy knoll at Mountain View, people. Get out your tin foil hats and read about the TOP GOOGLE CONSPIRACIES. (Valleywag)
  • Can you really make money with auction ads? Grab your monocle and top hat and learn about the Southeby’s of ad widgets. (SEOmoz)
  • Is linkbaiting ethical? I guess that’s just dust on my white hat over there. (SER)
  • Somebody’s suing Yahoo for defective ad technology. Maybe they should have thought about that before they wrote crappy creatives? (ClickZ)
  • For Google 2.o, Google plans to index every piece of information ever created in the universe and provide them in one completely confusing SERP. Or something. (SEL)

One Trackback

  1. [...] last week, I started the weekly search marketing links naming convention. Just to recap, we’;re trying to decide on what we’re calling the weekly links (e.g. [...]

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