Category Archives: Microsoft

Point of View: Microsoft Search Engine Bing

What is Bing?
Launched in early June, Bing is the latest search engine from Microsoft and represents the company’s latest attempt to gain market share on competitors Google and Yahoo. From a high level, Bing is essentially a combination of MSN Search and Live Search, re-formulated and rebranded as a stand-alone search engine (previous versions of [...]

Atlas now faces the Google Analytics Dilemma

Microsoft completed its acquisition of Aquantive yesterday, which among other things includes Atlas and its media management and tracking tools. It’ll be interesting to watch the reactions of Atlas customers.
Google Analytics receives a cold shoulder from a few large advertisers, on concerns that their tracking partner also happens to be their largest ad network. Some [...]

Search Matters Weekly Search = $array[]

Dust off the O’Reilly PHP manual and get ready for a linkdump(). Just add your own while{} to this, loop, output, rinse and repeat.

[0] => Blogs are the new Rolodex, baby. Boost your career with your blog network you tech savvy internet writer, you. (
[1] => Ripped from the headlines: How Law & Order, [...]

Microsoft to buy Yahoo: Redux. Ad Nauseam.

Word on the street is that, in light of their latest loss to Google over Double Click and the new Google Apps (MS Office killer) and a possible Google OS beta to be released soon, Redmond is back in talks with Yahoo about a possible merger; even though the business advantages to this merger appear [...]