Category Archives: Universal Search

Search for Integration

In this post, Account Director Lesley Ross explains the importance of integrating online and offline campaigns to maximize budgets in an uneasy economy.
Q: Online advertising spending is projected to increase by 8.9% this year, how do you suggest this spending be used most effectively by Marketers?
Lesley: The necessity for a “holistic” approach to marketing has become over-stated, [...]

The New Part 3

This is the third and final installment of our assessment of the new As the resident linguist here, I will discuss some of the natural language technologies that have been foregrounded in the new interface. And, as a member of the paid search team, I will discuss the impact of the new [...]

The New Part 2

We’re confident ‘video killed the radio star’ and we have now learned the algorithm killed Jeeves - but where does that leave us with the search results? In The New Part 1 Francis discussed the aesthetics of the new interface and SERP pages. In Part 2, I’ve taken a high-level look at couple [...]

Google Universal Search makes integrated SEM essential

What is Google’s Universal Search
Google’s introduction of Universal Search essentially brings together the various types of searchable internet content sources into one, allowing results to range across all silos of the Google landscape, including categories that were previously segregated. These silos include book search, blog search, image search, local search, video search, web search, [...]

Will Google’s Universal Search Kill the SEM campaign?

I know it’s a stretch but I can’t get that Buggles song out of my head. So what does that have to do with Google and Universal Search? Well, everything.

As you can see above, a search for “Video Killed The Radio Star” (and it did BTW), not only has the the old Google navigation changed [...]