Category Archives: PPC

Point of View: FDA Search Guidelines

Catalyst Point of View (POV)
Aligning to the FDA’s Policy
Pertaining to Search Advertising

By: Timothy Breen, Lee Tuttle
Vice Presidents, Catalyst online

If you (or your regulatory team) have any questions regarding this POV, please contact Tim Breen at Catalyst online at, or at 617.244.6679.

Search for Integration

In this post, Account Director Lesley Ross explains the importance of integrating online and offline campaigns to maximize budgets in an uneasy economy.
Q: Online advertising spending is projected to increase by 8.9% this year, how do you suggest this spending be used most effectively by Marketers?
Lesley: The necessity for a “holistic” approach to marketing has become over-stated, [...]

Paid Search Q&A: How to Get the Best CPV

Here Tim Breen, Catalyst’s Director of Paid Search, addresses some frequently asked questions about Cost Per Visitor.
Q: What is the difference between Cost Per Visitor and Cost Per Click?
A: Many advertisers aren’t aware that there is a difference between Cost Per Visitor (CPV) and Cost Per Click (CPC). CPC is what you get charged by [...]

Overture’s Keyword Tool Says ‘No’ to Marijuana

I don’t think anyone would argue that fact that the Overture suggestion tool is probably not the most accurate or effective keyword suggestion tool on the market today. Besides the fact that it still displays search volumes from January 2007, the accuracy of the numbers have been called into question over and over again [...]

New Formats and Metrics for Online Video Ads

Lots of new developments in online video advertising:
Different approaches to video ad formats at TechCrunch
“eMarketer expects online video advertising to nearly double in 2008 to $1.3 billion, but no one’s really nailed a scalable ad platform for video. However, Google’s been quietly testing their own system and there are a bunch of other startups tackling [...]

Search Matters Weekly Search = $array[]

Dust off the O’Reilly PHP manual and get ready for a linkdump(). Just add your own while{} to this, loop, output, rinse and repeat.

[0] => Blogs are the new Rolodex, baby. Boost your career with your blog network you tech savvy internet writer, you. (
[1] => Ripped from the headlines: How Law & Order, [...]

The New Part 3

This is the third and final installment of our assessment of the new As the resident linguist here, I will discuss some of the natural language technologies that have been foregrounded in the new interface. And, as a member of the paid search team, I will discuss the impact of the new [...]

Search Matters Weekly Search Nougat

Just like the nutty sweet paste in the middle of your afternoon candy bar, this week’s search links will pack a powerful burst of sugary energy to get you through the rest of the day. Unless you’re allergic to nuts; in which case, that tingling you may be feeling is probably anaphalixis. Two words. [...]

Click Fraud: Are Your Campaigns Safe?

Since the advent of paid search engine marketing, click fraud has been a growing area of concern for search engine marketers. Estimates of the scope of click fraud vary from 10% to 35% of all click activity. If not detected, click fraud can rob your company of both your marketing dollars [...]

SEM Has Become Mainstream

I’m not sure exactly when it happened but it happened.  Search engine marketing has become mainstream.  Businesses of all sizes no longer debate whether or not they need to do search engine marketing, the debate has become: “Do we do it in-house or do we hire an experienced SEM agency.”  
Not long ago, many businesses who [...]