Author Archives: david

What is Social Media Optimization?

Social Media Optimization is a concept that is making its way into mainstream marketing publications. Social Media Optimization or SMO is a concept coined by Rohit Bhargava of Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide. In his 5 Rules of Social Media Optimization, Rohit explains that:
“The concept behind SMO is simple: implement changes to optimize a site so […]

Report from the Search Engine Strategies Conference in New York City

The search marketing space continues to grow by leaps and bounds, and if this year’s record crowds at Search Engine Strategies in New York are any indication, the search space will not be cooling down anytime soon. For those who could not attend here are some of the highlights from the conference from an organic […]

How does video search benefit health-related websites?

Apple’s successful launch of video to its popular iTunes service has generated a lot of media buzz about the growing search demand for videos.
For both Google and Yahoo, video search appears to be all about content distribution and maximizing additional revenue streams. Health related websites that offer education videos and video testimonials on your website […]