Category Archives: Organic Search

What does ‘Meaning’ Mean to a Search Engine?

Outside of the government and universities, no one hires more people with PhDs in linguistics than search engines. One major reason for this is that a search engine needs to deliver results that are not based on the string of characters you type into the search box, but instead based on what your string […]

Top 5 Worst of Search For May

This is the first in a monthly series of posts highlighting the humorous, ridiculous and absurd in the world of search engine listings. In an age of automated keyword research and campaign management, with rich internet technologies evolving faster than the people who use them, some weird, funny stuff is bound to happen. […]

Search Matters Weekly Search Hotness

Normally I just post search links here with the exaggeratedly plain title “Search Matters Weekly Search links”. Well, you know what? We need to add a pinch of SEO spice to this weekly mélange of tasty Search goodness, so I’m going to try out some cinnamony sweet new titles and, in the spirit of […]

Búsqueda hispána: “El que llega primero al rio bebe agua limpia”

Como Latina y parte del equipo de Calatyst, me ha llamado mucho la atención el hecho de que muy pocas industrias, hayan tomado ventaja del mercado Hispano que tan rápidamente va aumentando
En 2002 se hizo oficial la estadística que posicionó, a la comunidad Hispana como la mayor minoría en los Estados Unidos, y creanme […]

Search Matters Weekly Search Links

There are a lot of hot search topics going on this week from litigation, to PPA, to Google’s right hand not know what their left hand is doing. Try to keep up.

Google’s Website Optimizer is now out of beta in into …whatever Greek letter comes after beta. Is it cloaking? Is Google so big that […]

The Google is Coming. The Google is Coming.

Like the last invaders from back in ‘75 (Seventeen Seventy Five that is), it seems that Google, a new dreadnought, has its sights on Boston and they’re planning on more than a fortnight’s stay. Amidst not so subtle clues, like job listings for Google and YouTube for the Boston area and search insider gossip, the […]

SEO for Events and Seasonal Promotions

Organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has a lot of strengths when compared to other marketing channels. SEO can build long-term equity for a website, providing a cost-effective supplement to paid search ads, media buys, and many other forms of online advertising.
But one area where SEO traditionally fell short is with seasonal or event-driven promotions. SEO […]

What is Social Media Optimization?

Social Media Optimization is a concept that is making its way into mainstream marketing publications. Social Media Optimization or SMO is a concept coined by Rohit Bhargava of Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide. In his 5 Rules of Social Media Optimization, Rohit explains that:
“The concept behind SMO is simple: implement changes to optimize a site so […]

Best Practices for Integrated Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

As advertisers increasingly seek to synchronize their pay-per-click and organic search engine marketing campaigns, a new strategic discipline is emerging-integrated search engine marketing. The goal of an integrated SEM campaign is to deliver better overall ROI than search engine optimization and pay-per-click campaigns would have yielded independently. This article outlines the opportunities that are unique […]

Evaluating Visitor Quality without Transactions

For transaction-based e-commerce websites, search engine marketing offers an unprecedented level of ROI measurement and accountability. E-commerce vendors can track their ROI on a keyword-by-keyword basis right down to the very last cent. But for other types of sites, evaluating the success of the campaign is more of a challenge. Consider, for example, […]